Survey geometries

Explor has acquired every survey type across a broad range of industry verticals in all terrain types.

Survey geometries:
2D: Legacy >10m CDP
2D: Modern2.5m to 10m CDP
2D: High Density (HD2D)<2.5m CDP
2D: Ultra High Density (UHD2D)
3D: Legacy<500K Traces/km2, >20m natural bin
3D: Modern500K-5 million Traces/km2, >10m to 20m natural bin
3D: High Density5-50 million Traces/km2, >5m to 10m natural bin
3D: Ultra High Density (UHD3D)>50 million Traces/km2,
4D: (2D or 3D, Legacy to UHD3D)
VSP: Conventional (w/downhole partners)
VSP: DAS (w/ downhole partners)