Explor eliminates seismic lines in the oil sands, sets new seismic trace density record
Press Release • May 31, 2018
Explor Geophysical Ltd. ("Explor") has completed the first pre-commercial scale Ultra High Density (UHD) 3C 3D seismic survey using its PinPoint technology, confirming the viability of seismic acquisition without seismic lines.
Over a small area, Explor acquired seismic data at a density of 100 million traces per km2 at full offset, with trace densities > 42 million traces per km2 at target depth.
In sharp contrast to standard 'low-impact seismic' (LIS) methods, these data were acquired without preparing any lines or trails and without cutting down any trees or a single stem of vegetation, setting a new standard for seismic acquisition in the oil sands. While typical 'low impact' seismic projects in the oil sands region mulch 2.75-metre-wide seismic lines spaced 30 to 80 metres apart to accommodate equipment, the PinPoint method does not require seismic line preparation.